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Does Seamless Underwear Have Latex?

If you’re buying anygirl seamless underwear, it is important to check the fabrics and fibers used in the panties because plenty of manufacturers use latex–a form of rubber–around the legs and waistband.

In itself, this seems fine (we all know latex has impressive staying power), and a small amount of spandex can be great for stretchy straps, usually blended with natural cotton for the best of both worlds. However, latex elastic is not ideal for girls who suffer from allergic reactions and skin irritation, which is a particular problem if you’re purchasingseamless underwear for sensory issues.

Latex-free underwear can be preferable for some teens and tweens because young, delicate skin is more vulnerable to rashes and soreness–at Yellowberry, we're passionate about perfect panties that don't require a second thought!

What's the Big Deal With Latex in Girls' Underwear?

The fundamental property for any underwear, including that for younger girls, is that it needs to be healthy for their skin and comfortable to wear. Not a huge amount to ask for, but unfortunately, a necessary standard that is often overlooked in the name of fashion! Underwear is a wholly practical item of clothing, but it actually provides a surprising number of benefits if you choose panties made from natural, breathable, high-wicking fibers that don't clash with the needs of our skin.

The panties we put on every morning create a barrier for our sensitive skin from clothing, friction, and rubbing, which can cause painful irritation; they also work hard to prevent the build-up of moisture during sports and busy days.

Natural, breathable fibers are the gold standard in underwear because they work in harmony with our bodies and allow maximum comfort. All Yellowberry seamless underwear is latex-free, and some other styles combine a tiny proportion of spandex with other materials, such as cotton. You'll find the fabric specification in the product details, so you can steer clear of anything with even the smallest amount of latex if your daughter has allergy-prone skin!

Are Seamless Panties Latex Free?

Yep–our seamless panties, both the Twistr and Scout styles–are made without latex, so they're completely fine for the most delicate skin types. Seamless design is the ultimate in comfort and is important for sensitive skin because the lack of seams, ridges, or stitching lines can't cause any abrasion whatsoever (and girls can wearseamless underwear under yoga pants, too, for a double win).

In many cases, it isn't necessarily the material that causes chafing but the design of the panties themselves, with too much elastic around the waistline or legs that rub and dig in during normal daily movements. Getting rid of the seams means girls get the same coverage, support, and comfort, but won't ever find that their undies start to become bothersome when worn for longer days.

Whether your teen or tween needs effortless undies to help manage sensory issues, finds seams and tags a nuisance, or simply prefers panties without any itchy textures, a pair of seamless panties from Yellowberry are sure to be her new favorite underwear.
