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Yellowberry x the Get In Touch Foundation

The Get In Touch Foundation and Yellowberry are so excited to be working together with the launch of the first-ever bra made for developed girls! The Get In Touch Foundation is a passionate non-profit specifically focused on providing free and accessible information, empowering all to make breast health simple, appropriate, and routine.

We both value the importance of feeling good in your own skin and taking care of your breasts starting at a young age.

The Get In Touch Foundation’s original Daisy Wheel tool was developed in 2004 with a team of medical professionals, after Founder Mary Ann Wasil’s breast cancer diagnosis. She wanted everyone to be armed and equipped with the information they needed to be their own health advocates and know their “normal” through breast self-examination, just like she was.

Today, the Daisy Wheel, which educates on the 8 steps on how to perform a breast self-exam, has reached over one million students grades 5-12 in all 50 U.S. states and 34 countries.

How can you learn how to do a breast self-exam and make it routine? Well the Daisy Wheel turned digital so now ANYONE can have immediate access to this free information. Yes, that means YOU!

Download The Get In Touch Foundation’s FREE “Daisy Wheel” App and set regular reminders so you can know your normal and be your own health advocate.

Visit for more information on how to get involved and give back! We’re so excited to working together – and hope that you remember to do your breast self-exam when you wear the Wish Bra!



